Protest by religious leaders to ABC Board

Almost 30 religious leaders have united to plead with the ABC board to refrain from planned...
ACCJ media release against ABC religion cuts

MEDIA RELEASE TEXT 3/12/14. The Australian Council of Christians and Jews (ACCJ), one of...
ACCJ endorses terror attack condemnation

We see and read on the news this morning the terrible attack on worshippers in a synagogue,...
ISIS statement by Melbourne Catholic Archbishop

Statement by Denis Hart is Catholic Archbishop of Melbourne and president of the Australian...
ACCJ media release on democracy under threat

The Australian Council of Christians and Jews (ACCJ), the oldest established interfaith...
Plea for prayers for peace in the Middle East

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ I ask you join me in prayer for a lasting peace in the...
ACCJ media release on hostilities in Israel and Gaza

The Australian Council of Christians and Jews (ACCJ) is an organisation which seeks to foster...
Pope phones Israel’s President

Pope Francis telephoned President Shimon Peres on Friday to ask him to deliver a message of...
ACCJ statement on Paris synagogue attack

On Sunday July 13, clashes erupted in Paris as thousands of people protested against...