Pilgrim Fellowship of Faith: The Church as Communion

Authors: Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, Pope Benedict XVI, Stephan Otto Horn, Vinzenz...
I am Joseph Your Brother

Memorial Service: The Night of Broken Glass, November 9, 1938

Choral Items LEADER:: On the evening of November 9, 1938, the German Government...
Education Featured at First National Conference 2004

Education of young people, particularly in schools, was the theme of two public sessions of...
Celebrating a decade of activity

Earlier this year Adelaide celebrated 10 years of the Council of Christians and Jews. In...
A Moral Reckoning, The role of the Catholic Church in the Holocaust and Its unfulfilled duty of repair

Author: Daniel Jonah Goldhagen Publisher: Alfred A. Knopf, New York, N.Y. Reviewer:...
The Funny Side of God: Humour in Christianity and Judaism

The Jewish Museum of Australia and the Council of Christians and Jews (Victoria) invite you to...
Solidarity and Empowerment

A CCJ event commemorating the Aboriginal Protest in 1938 against the German treatment of Jews....